Our History
Clifton Sanitation District#2 was formed by an election in 1967 for the purpose of providing a sanitary sewage system, including collection lines and sewage treatment facilities to serve the residents of the sanitation district.
Financing for the construction of sewer facilities was accomplished in 1968 with a $471,190 bond and a development grant in the amount of $220,000. The bonded indebtedness was retired two years ahead of schedule in 1985, and the mill levy assessment was lowered gradually until it was abolished in 1993.
Plant Investment Fees (PIF) have been utilized to pay for capital improvement projects, including sewer line replacements and increasing lagoon capacities to meet growth and stream standards as established by the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE). The PIFs have also been placed in reserve to meet future treatment and collection service upgrades.
Currently CSD has adequate reserves to fund anticipated future expansion.
CSD employs six full-time and one part-time personnel to provide administration, operations, maintenance, and supervision of all sewer construction projects needed for expansion.